Comparativi di uguaglianza in inglese: impariamo a confrontare e fare paragoni
Saper confrontare le cose in inglese è un'abilità molto utile, sia sul posto di lavoro che nella vita di tutti i giorni, e per farlo vengono in nostro aiuto i comparativi. Ci sono diversi modi per fare paragoni in inglese, e uno di questi è esprimere l'uguaglianza. In questo articolo potrete scoprire:
- Come si forma il comparativo di uguaglianza in inglese
- Frasi con il comparativo di uguaglianza in inglese
- Comparativo di uguaglianza in inglese: esercizi
Come si forma il comparativo di uguaglianza in inglese
Per esprimere l'idea che due persone, due cose o due luoghi hanno la stessa qualità, si usa "as … as". Per esempio, se voglio dire che Londra è costosa e New York è altrettanto costosa, posso dire:
- London is as expensive as New York.
Questa frase indica che queste due cose sono uguali.
Posso usare questa struttura anche per dire che non c'è uguaglianza ed esprimere l'idea di differenza. Per farlo, basta rendere il verbo negativo:
- London isn’t as expensive as New York.
Qui sto dicendo che Londra è meno costosa di New York.
Possiamo usare la struttura "as …. as" con gli aggettivi (come nell'esempio precedente) o con gli avverbi. Ad esempio:
- She can run as quickly as her brother.
Questo significa che possono correre alla stessa velocità. Anche in questo caso, potrei rendere il verbo negativo per dire che è vero il contrario:
- She can’t run as quickly as her brother.
Possiamo anche riferirci alla quantità usando la struttura "as…as" usando many, much, little, few che sono quantificatori:
as … many + countable noun … as I have 50 books. You have 50 books.I have as many books as you have. I have 50 books. You have 60 books.I don’t have as many books as you have. | as … much + uncountable noun … as He has 5 euros. She has 5 euros.He has as much money as she does. He has 5 euros. She has 10 euros.He doesn’t have as much money as she does. |
As … few + countable noun … as She eats few biscuits. He eats few biscuits. She eats as few biscuits as he does. | as … little + countable noun … as I drink little wine. You drink little wine. I drink as little wine as you do. |
Si usa anche "as much as" per riferirsi al grado generale di differenza. Per esempio:
- She doesn’t like sport as much as he does.
- It doesn’t rain in Italy as much as it does in the UK.
- I weigh as much as my twin sister. We both weigh 55 kgs.
Frasi con il comparativo di uguaglianza in inglese
Ecco alcune frasi d’esempio di comparativi di uguaglianza con gli aggettivi:
My younger sister is as tall as me.
I’m not as fit as I used to be.
Learning to ski is as difficult as learning to skate.
Milan isn’t as big as Rome.
Her parents aren’t as old as mine.
This necklace is as expensive as this bracelet. They both cost €160.
The weather today isn’t as nice as it was yesterday.
Are Samsung phones as popular as Apple phones?
Tim thinks basketball is as fun as volleyball. He loves both.
Ecco alcuni esempi di utilizzo di avverbi con la struttura "as…as":
We won because the other team didn’t play as well as we did.
She drives as quickly as her boyfriend does.
You speak as fluently as the other students.
I don’t speak as loudly as you.
I work as hard as you but I don’t earn as much as you.
Try to draw as carefully as Sara does.
The boss wants us to finish the report as soon as possible.
Ecco alcuni esempi di utilizzo dei comparativi di uguaglianza con le quantità:
You haven’t got as much ice-cream as Jana has. Do you want some more?
There are as many flowers in the front garden as there are in the back garden.
Now I’ve changed jobs I haven’t got as much free time as I used to have.
He tends to study as little as possible but still passes all his exams!
We hired a wedding planner to have as few worries as possible.
Comparativo di uguaglianza in inglese: esercizi
Ora è il momento di esercitarsi con i comparativi di uguaglianza!
- In questo primo esercizio, forma delle frasi usando "as + adjective + as":
- My grandfather is 85. My grandmother is 85.
- The first book in the series was good. The second book is good too.
- Our old car was big. Our new car is big.
- Natalie is clever. Her brother is clever too.
- The station is far from my house. The park is far from my house.
- Eating healthy food is important. Getting exercise is important.
- Nel prossimo esercizio, completa le frasi con uno degli avverbi presenti nel riquadro:
often | fluently | soon | well | fast | hard |
- I can’t run as ______ as my friend can. I’m quite slow.
- She’d like to speak English as ______ as native speakers do.
- He studies as ______ as his brother but his results aren’t so good.
- They’ll fix the problem as ______ as they can.
- We go to the cinema as ______ as possible because we love movies.
- My son can play tennis but not as ______ as my daughter.
- Completa queste frasi usando much o many:
- We don’t eat as ______ chocolates as we used to. We want to lose weight.
- Do you think you drink as ______ water as you should?
- In Italy it doesn’t rain as ______ as it does in the UK.
- She runs as ______ kilometres as him but takes twice the time.
- Children don’t read as ______ as they used to.
- The park is quiet today. There aren’t as ______ people as there were last week.
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